Text: Psalms 17-21
Rhema Verse: Psalms 19:10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.
Message: The Word of God is sweeter than honey... I remember Jonathan when King Saul bound his entire army on oath not to eat anything while they were traveling and fighting armies (1 Samuel 14:24). The people became so so weak, so distressed, fainted, unfocused. But Jonathan; his son, not aware of the oath saw some honey and barely tasted it with the tip of his staff. He started to feel his eyes brightened and strengthened. That was just a simple and small amount of honey. Reading the Word of God everyday, does great wonders in one's life: it gives strength, direction, motivation, hope, joy, wisdom, blessings and so much more.
Promise: When I read the Word of God it refreshes the soul, it makes wise the simple, it gives joy to the heart, and light to the eye (19:7-8).
Command: Read and meditate the Word of God
Warning: The whole army of Israel and King Saul fell into a great sin because they did not eat honey (hear, obey and read the word of the Lord)
Application: Thank you Lord for now I experience the sweetest thing I could ever do in life. It is to stay in Your presence, meditating Your word everyday through my devo. it did not just change me but it change my whole family, church, and company as well. You are FOREVER faithful Lord. and now we can see that this is the start of the great things You have promised for Your people in JNRM and PSEJ. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be always pleasing to Your sight. Thank you Lord!
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