Text: Psalms 7- Psalms 16
Rhema Verse: Psalms 12:6
And the words of the Lord are flawless,
like silver purified in a crucible,
like gold refined seven times.
Message: God's word is flawless, pure and refined seven times, it is tested and true because the Author is faithful. Every promises He made came to pass before, and even up to now. God wants to do great things in my life that is why He test us like silver and refine us in crucible. A crucible is a rough vessel na kailangang daanan to purify a metal para maging precious, and interestingly it is shaped like a cross. The more finer it gets, the more precious it will become. That is my life, and the life of those who trust and rely on God. Even though trials come, the Cross- Jesus will never leave my side. as Jesus conquered His crucible, I will conquer mine and be refined because I am precious in his sight! I am PSEJ Precious Souls in the Eyes of Jesus, a nation's conqueror! ;)
Promise: God's Word is the final authority in my life, it is tested, pure and trustworthy.
Command: Be refined! (kantahin) I am here to buy gold refined in the fire, naked and pure wretched and blind I come. Clothe me in white so I wont be ashamed Lord light the fire again.
Warning: Do not trust on man's word for they are ever changing! Only trust God, for He is not like men..
Application: As Rammel and I were on Cebu we kept on talking about Mordecai and Job in our devo. We have found a new kind of prayer, We write a decree in the air, and sign it with our name, in behalf of the name of our King-Jesus, signed with our God-given signet ring and sealed with the Blood of the Lamb. We decreed salvation in the whole clan of Larrobis. And God created a problem to arise in their house and He used that again so our brother and sister listened to the Word of God. Sabi ko kasi sa assignment ko sa plenary we didnt have the chance to follow them up before because of the distance, kaya parang mahirap mag-enter ulit. But when God moves, Wow grabe!!! i know that the decree of salvation is a prayer na hindi nasasayang as I learned in SOL 2. Thank You Lord!
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