Sunday, April 15, 2012

Think Positive! Walang Aayaw! (DONT QUIT!)

DAY 86
TEXT: Numbers 13-15

Rhema Verse: Numbers 14:23b-24 “..No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it. But because my servant Caleb (Nerie) has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.”

         God saved the whole Israelites from Egypt so they can live in the Promised Land – flowing with milk and honey as GOD sworn to Abraham’s descendants. Imagine one cluster of grape carried by two people in a pole!!! The people saw the giants, the fortified walls greater than Egypt, the enemies, and they SAW/ THOUGHT, “I am like a grasshopper” - the people saw their OWN strength. But Joshua and Caleb saw the hand of God can get their promise land, the LORD is with us, HE will fight for us; HE did it in the mighty land of Egypt, GOD plague them, GOD took us from 400 years of slavery, GOD divided the sea, GOD is GOD.
PROMISE:  “I will do to you the very things I heard you say”, declares the LORD (Numbers 14:26)

COMMAND: Rise up!!! Mighty man and woman of GOD! The LION OF JUDAH is upon us! HE will fight our battles! Think positive! Don’t quit!

WARNING: Quitters, complainers, rebellious people DO NOT enter the Promised Land.

APPLICATION: I need to be always POSITIVE in the LORD. To ALWAYS remember that it is the LORD, not I. That my GOD is a BIG GOD, HE ALWAYS DO THE IMPOSSIBLE! I need to change the way I deliver my message, I need to be like Joshua and Caleb. When I deliver a suggestion, comments, report it must be to BUILD-up, to strengthen the leaders I talk to. LORD Jesus, I need you to teach and help me in this.

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