Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Make Room For The New Harvest

DAY 81
TEXT: Levi 26 – Num 1

Rhema Verse:  Levi 26:10
You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new.

         I remember a story my Dad used to preach, there were two farmers in a land were drought and famine were so severe. They both prayed desperately to God for rain. The next morning, one farmer started to prepare the soil for planting the other one stayed at this house and slept. Who among the two exercised his faith and will receive His harvest?

PROMISE: Blessings for believers: rain in it’s season, yielding crops, continuous harvest, eat all the food you want and safety in the land for those who believe! Whoa! LORD I believe and receive the plentiful harvest!

COMMAND: Believe and obey.

WARNING: Cursed if you don’t.

APPLICATION: Last week, we experienced family and financial challenges. Instead of murmuring to GOD why these things still happen, we printed all the due bills; we put our checkbooks, wallets, lists of suppliers and put it on a table. Our whole family prayed and declared the LORD’s promises and faithfulness for US. And we offered anything left in our pockets. And the LORD is gracious and faithful; HE always answers the prayers of the righteous; we are righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ.

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