Text: 1 Kings 5-7
Rhema Verse: 1 Kings 5:5. I intend, therefore, to build a temple for the Name of the Lord my God, as the Lord told my father David, when he said, ‘Your son whom I will put on the throne in your place will build the temple for my Name. ’
Message: Prophecies play a vital role in the lives of people. It speaks of God's destiny for a person and for the future. David, Solomon and all the great or even worst men written in the Bible treasured their prophecies. Some evil kings even tried to put to death the prophets who spoke ill of them, but the prophecy will not die even if the prophet does, for it is the Word of the Lord and He will certainly do it.
As Solomon heard what the Lord has prophesied for his destiny, he treasured it and walked on it. And the faithful Lord who gave the prophesy provided people to help him.
Promise: God's prophecies will SURELY come to pass in our lives.
Command: Go with the flow
Application: Countless times, my Mom kept on saying I will finish my studies because the LORD prophesied it, and because she desired it. In my self I have no intention, or desire for it whatsoever. when it was prophesied by an Israelite prophet my eyes flinched, in..... amazement? But now, for some reason while attending SOL, and through Bishop Dante's challenging us in BS Theology, suddenly, the Lord had put that desire. And He provided a way, CHED, PUP Online school, people who will recommend me. now i even have the desire to finish a masteral degree!!! =) YOU are so amazing GOD!!!!
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