Text: 1 Kings 5-7
Rhema Verse: 1 Kings 5:5. "I intend, therefore, to build a temple for the Name of the Lord my God, as the Lord told my father David, when he said, ‘Your son whom I will put on the throne in your place will build the temple for my Name. ’
Message: King David's desire is to build God a temple. It is his vision, I have learned the power of a vision through SOL 2 Ladder of Success book. I believe King David's vision of the temple keeps him up at night, just like my Dad's vision for the church and the company, and so as I. Vision is a very powerful drive that motivates; a burning passion, and sometimes it makes people anxious if we can not do it for some reason. Praise God for vision can be passed, it is a quality of a good visionary. Thank God for King Solomon did the task. Even though King David did not see it physically he saw it in his vision and He trusted God, that his descendant will finish the task for him.
And as King Solomon was sharing the vision originated from His father King David to King Hiram, the king of Tyre. He gave King Solomon everything He needed, for the king of Tyre had seen also the vision and the wisdom of Solomon for building the Lord's Temple.
Promise: GOD will do what HE says He will do for me!!!! - God will make me into a great nation,
and HE will bless me; and will make my name great, and I will be a blessing. Genesis 12:2
Command: Do not take light of my prophecy, for it is my destiny! Take hold! Take heart! God is more than able!
Warning: Without vision people perish
Application: I see the importance of not letting go of God's prophecy, and also the G-12 vision; I need to put it in heart, soul, mind and my mouth. I believe the vision God had entrusted to Pastor Cesar Castellanos is one that could write a destiny of our nation, and I will be part of it! I see that as I go through the process a big change is going through me, I thank you Lord for that!!! I thank you for You who begun a good work in me will remain faithful until we complete it!!!!
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