Text: Gen. 6-8, Luke 3
Rhema Verse: Genesis 6:9
The Story of Noah
This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.
Luke 3:21 One day when the crowds were being baptized, Jesus himself was baptized. As he was praying, the heavens opened,
Message: God desires fellowship, the Holy Spirit doesn't just wants visitation but habitation or indwelling. The Holy Spirit is a persona, a best friend, mentor, giver of all wisdom and direction. He is the power of God and if I allow Him to do everything the Father desires He can do signs and wonders in my life.
Promise: The heavens open when I let the Holy Spirit work in my life. ;)
Command: Be intimate with the Holy Spirit, always realize that He is with me, besides me, He will never leave me nor forsake me.
Warning: If what i do is possible it is the work of man, but if I do the impossible it is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Application: Holy Spirit, thank You for always being with me, guiding, loving, comforting and teaching me all the time. Lord, I know you do so much miracles in our businesses today, so many clients are calling without us knowing how or why, that is why I can Only say, it is not I, nor my husband or anyone's work but is the work of the Holy Spirit. It can ONLY be done by You! Father, what I want to pray for is my cell group and my family, work in them and through them, let them realize that You are always with them and can do wonders if we just let YOU, because You are a gentle God. Father, I know that what you have prophesied will SURELY come to pass, so I need not to worry, but just thank you for You will work mightily in our ministry, you will make the youths capitalists, You will raise up a new generation of leaders in our government, You will raise up key leaders in our businesses and make them prosperous as they continue to serve You. Thank you Lord for the good health of my family, and for our call, both in the business and Your Kingdom. Father thank you for the multitude that we will disciple in Your name, thank you for we will perform signs and wonders through YOU, Holy Spirit. We allow you to move in our church, in our cells, in us and through us, change our families, build the relationships, stir up those You called for You Kingdom. Thank You for Your love, for it casts out all fear. Holy Spirit, thank you for ministering to Us, I love you, in Jesus name. Amen.