Monday, January 6, 2014

Memory Lane

RHEMA VERSE: Forget what is behind and strain towards what is ahead, let's press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenwards in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:13b-14

MESSAGE: Our brain is a powerful tool intricately designed by God. It holds tons of memories from certain events that can be triggered and put us to the same place or feeling it experienced from the past. Some memories makes us smile, and 'some' or many times, it  can make us frown or even sad. This new year, Apostle Paul is telling us a precious message: 

forget what is behind: our past mistakes, people who let us down along the way, the problems, our former glories- and look ahead for the bright and great future the Lord has prepared. 

Press on towards the goal: what God started (a dream, vision, a process, an opportunity) He will not put in vain, He will remain faithful until He completes it- that's HIS promise (Phil 1:6) A good athlete runs even with a sprain or a bruise- we may think that our challenges is taking the best part of our life but if we continue to run the race, though we may be beaten or broken down, GOD will give us inner strength to finish the race.

And when we came to that goal, only to realize that 'those' that happened in the past was also God's design, for us to be able to come to the great future. What a great joy to serve our God!

PROMISE: For. I know the plans I have for you, a plan to prosper you and not to harm you, a plan to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

COMMAND: Press on!

WARNING: Looking behind will make us miss the great future ahead.

APPLICATION:  Lord, teach me to always rely on You. To seek you first and foremost about anything and about everything. To consult You before my decisions and not after my confusions. Give us directions for this year, give us strength, wisdom and favor. Help us enjoy every moment be it a challenge or success. Thank you Lord for another year with You. Bless every lives we touch, may we cause them joy and be a testimony of Your great love and grace.

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