Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stop, Look and See Through

Text: Exodus 25-27, Acts 6

Rhema Verse: Acts 6:2-4. So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers. They said, “We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility. Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word.”

Message: As the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. As an organization grows there will be alot of needs to be met, because people 'needs' alot of things constantly. But one things inspired me is what the disciples did when faced with their situation. They have uncommon wisdom to make them stop their emotions from the nagging believers, look at the situation, and see through the problem for a solution. They realized that they could not leave the most important thing - the strategic work of evangelism and delegate the tactical work to competent and anointed men.

Promise: God can give me uncommon wisdom 1Kings 3:11. He is the giver of ALL good things. Matt7:11 And it is HIS joy to give me what I need in the name of Jesus, so my joy will be complete. Jn14:13

Command: Ask for uncommon wisdom. Stop, look and see through! Quiet the storm of emotions.

Warning: Not learning to be still, in the rage of a storm will make all the 'passengers' drown.

Application: Before I was able to read my devo my husband and I was talking how a child learns so fast (we were amazed by Nikki's intelligence). He said he watched it once in Discovery channel that it was because each of the brain have cells that holds a storage of curiosity. It branches out once a curiosity is being experienced and then nurtured or exhausted. He even said that according to scientists, the most genius person on earth only utilizes 15% of the brain's capacity to hold wisdom. But the good thing is, there is a God who created the human's brain and i can ask anything in His name. He granted Solomon, Joseph, Stephen and so many people great wisdom and understanding because They asked to govern His people. And Lord, that is what I ask of You today. Father, grant me uncommon wisdom, knowledge and understanding so that I may govern Your companies, Your cell group, Your church. And Lord give me an undivided heart, that always look for You, hungers and waits for Your direction. Use me Lord, strengthen me, enable me and also the people I get the opportunity to touch. Thank you for the wisdom, the favor from God and Men.

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