Monday, July 1, 2013


Date: July 1, 2013.
Text: Gen. 44-46, Luke 18

Rhema Verse: Genesis 45:8. So it was God who sent me here, not you! And he is the one who made me an adviser to Pharaoh—the manager of his entire palace and the governor of all Egypt.

Luke 18:41. “What do you want me to do for you?”  “Lord,” he said, “I want to see!”

Message: Many times when people face problems they get blinded by the situation and starts to panic, especially for a melancholic like me. But it is God who gives wisdom to see beyond what is happening, and what He is doing, just like in the time of Joseph. But it was clear that even though I could be in panic, distressed or drowning in my self-inflicted anxiousness, I could ask God like the blind beggar in the street to 'see'. See God's promises of salvation prepared for me.

Promise: God is always asking and waiting to do wonders for me. "What do you want me to do for you?"

Ask everything in my name, and my Father will give it to you so your joy will be complete -Jesus.  John 14:13

Command: When facing challenges, Stop-Look-Listen just like the blind beggar. Stop your negative thoughts, Look at what God is preparing, Listen to His directions.

Warning: Being blinded by too many negative thoughts and fearing things only created by your mind will stop you from getting your miracle!!!

Application: The night before my youngest birthday, while I was packing loot bags for his party I was being anxious with 1.2M, I needed to pay for the stocks so it could arrive here in the country. As part of being a melancholic a 'thinker' I exhausted my mind where I can get that amount; for we have already paid 2/3 of that 3 months ago and the stocks needed to be paid in full to arrive. And so I counted first, every chocolate for the loot bags and calculated how many loot bags I can make; 150 divided by 3 is 50 (I rechecked twice) While I was picking each chocolate my mind is counting and sorting and I begun to pray. I said, "Lord what if the children were more than 50, they haven't eaten this kind of chocolates yet, can you make it 70? Just like what You did with the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes that fed 5,000 men not counting women with leftover." I was sure my heart began to feel joy in my heart and went on counting and putting in chocolates to the loot bags. When my back begun to feel a little achy, and seeing little chocolates left in the bed, I started to count how many loot bags I made, I bundled them by 10 bags, and my tears began to fell when I counted I already made 50 and there's more in the bed... I counted every visible bags 55, 60, 69 and when I saw the last loot bag beneath the pillow I wept aloud. I heard what God said to me, Nerie, if I can do this with chocolates I can definitely do this in your finances. What a great God we have... All we need is to be like the beggar so bold to ask.

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