Thursday, April 5, 2012


DAY 76
April 5, 2012
JNRM Tower
TEXT: Levi 9-12

Rhema Verse: Levi 10:1-2 “Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to his command. So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.

         Rule #1: God is just. Whenever we our tempted to think that He is not in some situations; always refer to rule #1 – God is just. He knows our deepest thoughts, our past, present and future. He is the beginning and the end. Many times, we think of our ‘Own ways’ and not obey God’s ways, that’s why we get into trouble and get burned.
         At this time, God is making SOP on how to worship and purify the whole people of Israel. The LORD wants to dwell in His holy nation and the priests were held responsible for our atonement. He made a way to purify them through animal sacrifices. While God is displaying His glory and all the people fell and worship. Aaron sons, who were drunk, got incense and fire from other source, not on God’s temple as He prescribed (the keeper of the incense is Moses). These appointed priests took their own way of worshipping, and took the presence of God lightly. Imagine the outcome of the first batch of disobedient priests passing their ways to the next and next generations. Result: super pasaway na priests. So GOD had to do it to show HIS people.

PROMISE: GOD knows what HE is doing in our lives, we just need to trust and obey.

COMMAND: Trust and Obey

WARNING: Doing your OWN ways will get you burned

APPLICATION: As children, our parents are very happy when we obey. Obedience is the highest form of our worship to GOD. We need to hear what the Holy Spirit wants us to do everyday. I thank the Lord for His grace, for NOW we can worship boldly, so DON’T HOLD BACK.

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